Gavin Schmidt endorses disclosing sceptic academics emails but not noaa – HYPOCRITE!

I saw a tweet from Gavi schmidt

And then discovering this scandal (reported by Greenpeace as sceptics getting fossil money) involved a sceptic working as a “labor of love” without pay.
The next bit of the scandal was when I read Climate Depot

Greenpeace co-founder reports it to the FBI under RICO and wire-fraud statutes

Which looks like heating up into a nice scandal with Greenpeace investigation instigated by its own founder.
That seemed good enough, but then I read this tweet from Paul Thacker:

Now, Mr Schmidt has been very vocal in his condemnation of the proper investigation by the duly appointed oversight body asking for emails belonging to the public of a body under its jurisdiction claiming: “they are scientists – so their emails cannot be seen”.
But … look at his response as soon as sceptic emails are libellously and criminally obtained … he splashes the link over the internet with the greatest of glee.
Somehow I think NOAA are now a lot closer to releasing their emails!

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