California’s Wind ‘Powered’ Dream Turns to Nightmare: Power Prices 40% Higher than US Average

The state of California has embarked on a 25-year green power odyssey in an effort to reduce the amount of CO2 we place into the atmosphere, all aimed at leading the world in an anti-climate change crusade for humanity.

Beginning in 2030, 50 percent of all electrical power produced for our regulated utilities will be mandated “renewable” energy. This definition under the current law includes energy from solar, wind and small hydroelectric facilities built, or to be built, over that time frame. It excludes residential solar installations and existing large hydroelectric projects such as energy produced from Hoover Dam.
While some of this new power will be “infill” development (smaller solar projects that may be placed in vacant or brown-field urban areas), most of it will be new development in areas of the state where sunshine and wind are most plentiful, our more remote inland desert regions including much of the Inland Empire.
Read more: Stop These Things

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One Response to California’s Wind ‘Powered’ Dream Turns to Nightmare: Power Prices 40% Higher than US Average

  1. OBOY says:

    Renewable enery equals, let’s get rich on the new tech bubble. Yes, bubble. It will eventually pop – perhaps due to a global cooling? How ironic that would be: “the effects of climate change upon the economy”. Well, there HAS been a huge, economic effect. Electricity costs go up and the price of oil goes down. Co-incidence? I think not!

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