Like everything in Climate, polar bear numbers are another area of corrupt data which are turned into flagrant lies by the on-line eco-fascists.
Above is the official polar bear estimate from 1981 to date (See PolarBearScience for more details). As you can see, the population is currently at the highest on record.
So, how has this news been reported?
The climate corruption continues! The Media are fed story after story using graphs drawn from the population peak downwards, but they never get to see the real story of a growing Polar bear population.
The satellites showing no warming for 18 years and growing global polar ice do not suggest the ice is melting, but suppose it were, how would that affect polar bears? According to research Polar Bears’ Condition Unaffected by Reduced Summer Sea Ice.
So even the predictions of massive decline are corrupt.
Corruption, Corruption, Corruption
Like all areas of climate scam, we again see overt corruption of the data to try to falsely backup alarmism. This time, the “official” graph (below top) removes what it claims are “inaccurate” figures – but what the lower graph reveals is that these are not “inaccurate” so much as embarrassing figures which don’t support the corrupt propaganda:

Upper graph uses totals reported in PBSG status tables, with min/max; Lower graph uses the same figures, but adds back in the so-called “inaccurate” estimates dropped 2005-2013. The 1960 figure * is a ballpark estimate
For more details see
Not heard this on the BBC,so it must be tru
Or true, even!
Do you know anything about “PolarBearScience.”?
Vastly more than you, clearly.