No doubt the delusional Biased Broadcasting Company commissioned this hugely expensive poll at my expense (we have no choice but to pay for this political fifth columnist party in the UK) – with the intention of “proving” to world governments that everyone else was as mad as the BBC.
So, first, let’s recap the physical information: Satellites show no warming for 18 years, this is corroborated by increasing Antarctic ice , global sea ice which is normal and Greenland surface ice which has increased since 1990. There have been no increases in severe weather, droughts or floods. In contrast, both NASA and NOAA have been shown to be fabricating the far from global surface temperature measure.
So, on the one hand we have fraud, fabrication and bogus surface temps, on the other we have overwhelming physical evidence that the world is not warming and the only nearly global measurement of temperature showing no warming.
So, only a totally delusional eco-nutter would even consider hugely expensive and usually counter productive measure recommended by fraudsters and scamsters.
But, no! This is the Biased Broadcasting Company:
Public support for a strong global deal on climate change has declined, according to a poll carried out in 20 countries.
All told an average of 42% of those polled want their government to play a leadership role in setting ambitious targets .. compared with 63% in 2009.
As the poll will undoubtedly have falsely stated the science (there is none supporting current warming) and it will undoubtedly have totally ignored the mega-huge cost, probably totally hundreds of thousands of pounds per person through out lifetime. There is absolutely no doubt that if the real state of science (none supporting) and the real cost were known, that the figure would be less 42% and nearer to 4.2% or even the most recent US figure of 97% who did not believe climate was a number one priority.
It doesn’t matter – they still intend to go with it, IMO. “Damn the economy, damn public opinion – full speed ahead”, to paraphrase the intent, IMO.