ce n'est pas possible

Hopefully about now, dozens of  different civil servants are saying words along the lines of “ce n’est pas possible”, to the political idiots who want to run COP21 instead of a war on terror. Also, hopefully a lot of politicians are pointing out the extreme vanity of putting a conference first – one that is widely accepted will be a failure – ahead of the security of French citizens.
Hopefully common sense prevails. However, if common sense had prevailed, we wouldn’t have the hysteria over global temperature nor would there have been an open door to immigration that has led directly to these terror attacks.
So, I would like to talk about the many different ways that the present situation makes those in France and at COP21 vulnerable, even to explain how easy it would be to attack COP21. But there’s no point because, either (hopefully) I would be proved wrong, or I would not be listened to, be proved right, being proved right will be no recompense. Indeed given the madness of the response and the selfishness of those eco-lunnies attending COP21, it is very likely they would accuse me of “aiding terrorism” merely by pointing out how easy it would be to attack COP21. But the true villains are the stupid people who open the door to terrorists not those trying to highlight that the door is open.

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