I said it was a like a sweet shop. But the only reason I’m posting this story is I just love the idea of “Carbon dating” … which I presume is a burning desire to get attached to some rich heir (O’h dear)
Fossil Fuels May Be Screwing Up Carbon Dating
However, if I stop throwing puns. Carbon dating uses the amount of C14 in carbon samples. The level of C14 is constantly varying due to cosmic rays, volcanic emissions etc. So, this is a complete none story as C14 dating has always had to cope with the changing levels of C14 in the atmosphere and if geological fuels are changing that, then it’s no different to normal.
And for info, you may often hear a reference to the C14 date and the “calibrated date”. The calibrated date is just factoring in the change of C14 level in the atmosphere.
Lubos Motl has a good post on this, also looks at the effects of nuclear testing.