Car Crash Clinton – now the UK Guardian rubbishing her on climate!!

I nearly spilt my cocoa when I read this in the Guardian:

Hillary Clinton’s climate change plan ‘just plain silly’, says leading expert

The Guardian is absolutely obsessed with climate non-science publishing around three articles a day. And about the only politicians worldwide to support them are a few idiots in the Democrats. And now they start tearing into Clinton in the run up to the US election!


Watching the end of this global warming scam is really like watching a slow car crash. The Dead parrot talks in Paris are already a failure. Clinton looks unelectable. The UK government are steadily dismantling all the non-science policies. The EPA is filled with sexual harassment scandal like the IPCC.
Of course, what the climate extremists in the Guardian actually want is what all extremists want: immediate surrender of the whole world to their extremist demands. And to give Clinton her due, she might pretend to be green as she needs every vote she can get, but at least she’s not actually intending to do much – nor does she actually believe the climate crap – just like almost every other politician on the planet!
The simple fact is this: the global scam is dead, it has been dead for a while – but like the dead parrot it’s been “nailed to the perch” –
and it would have died years ago if hypocritical politician like Clinton didn’t think they could get a few more votes by lying about their support for the climate extremists.

Come on!!
It’s time to kill this scam off completely and stop pandering to the green=gullibles!

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