Sometimes one doesn’t need to know any German to understand Eike’s articles.
Energie-Effizienz-Programme sind ein weiterer grĂ¼ner Flop
Here’s the gist of it:
Energy efficiency has long been touted as a means of political leaders in the fight against climate change without damaging the economy. Included was the premise of a policy both for reducing the consumption of fossil fuels as well as the supposed fact that the consumer save money.
The rationale is that consumers act shortsighted if they refuse to insulate their homes or buy more efficient equipment. They should be pushed in this direction.
But a new study challenges that assumption into question. The investigation in households, public subsidies were availed to their houses from the weather to “upgrade”, revealed that regarding the investment. Efficiency cost far more than they save. Thus, the consumer could not at all act irrationally when they renounce such subsidies: the programs are simply much less advantageous than their proponents believe. (EIKE)
In other words, consumers are acting rationally by rejecting fads that cost them money and it is the gullible academics pushing gullible technology who are being … gullible.