Just how much difference did the Pope's encycli-folly make? Not much!

You don’t need to be an expert to interpret this graph:
This shows the google trend for “global warming” before, during and after the release of the encyclical.
I knew at the time it was going down like a lead balloon but I had expected a bit more than just a “one Sunday sermon”. Indeed, comparing the period since the Pope’s foray into climate politics with the same period last year, it seems that if anything interest has gone down faster (from ‘A’) than last year**. This suggests that far from increasing interest, the Pope may actually have reduced interest in global warming.
Perhaps we should get the Pope to issue these encyclicals more often?
**There’s a regular dip with every academic holiday. So weekends and summer both show dips.

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2 Responses to Just how much difference did the Pope's encycli-folly make? Not much!

  1. Joe Public says:

    It’s good to see you’ve taken a leaf out of the Warmists’ handbook: “Use a graphic to visually enhance the message.”

  2. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    You try describing “it’s a hardly noticeable blip” in words.
    I suppose I could have said it pushed it up by around 1/3 (on a quiet day) for 1, perhaps 2 days. In contrast climategate pushed the index up by around 60% for several months.
    Much smaller and I wouldn’t have noticed it at all!

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