Joannne Nova: strips the climate scam bare.

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3 Responses to Joannne Nova: strips the climate scam bare.

  1. John Smith says:

    thanks for putting up this vid
    I’ve tried to recommend your site to friends
    but I’ve recently realized that most people I know would rather continue to believe in ‘climate change’ than to contemplate the fact that they have been misled on such a grand scale
    we are in one heck of a strange situation

  2. habitat21 says:

    keep repeating the truth. people will get it, eventually.

  3. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    The really disappointing thing is that if the scientific establishment in the UK had had a proper investigation at the time of Climategate, the worst that anyone would have suffered is a rebuke and slapped wrists. Science would have pulled up its socks, standards would have increased and almost everyone would have come out of it looking good.
    But they didn’t. So, now the scientific establishment can’t back down without losing face and losing credibility. We’ve had wholesale conspiracy to defraud the public. It’s quite possible people will end up going to jail, and people like me have had no funding for many years and I’m personally extremely resentful of the people who keep this going.
    And at the end of the day, the only people I can see winning from this is the Chinese. First they got much of our industry as higher energy prices drove it away. Then they started building and selling us the birdmincers. But then when it all falls apart and UK and US science is discredited – I strongly suspect that it will be Chinese scientists that win out of that as well.

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