What? "The Lima climate deal is largely voluntary. That may be its biggest strength."

Just been reading the kinds of idiotic greenspin that has been written by the drooling half demented green journalists after Lima and this headline really sums it up:

The Lima climate deal is largely voluntary. That may be its biggest strength.

These guys take an agreement for someone to do something, sometime somewhere and write it up as something great and write it up as something worthwhile!
Let’s just be quite blunt. The reality is that even if the greens got everything they wanted, if they were right about the climate, everything they demand would be nowhere near enough. And they are fobbed off with pure tokenism and they still see it as good!
Because if CO2 had the effect they said (and it does not – as the pause shows) what the greens want is for the end fossil fuel use. That means not only that we end all economic activity based on fossil fuel, it also means that we end all “renewable” built in fossil powered fuel plants – which means an end to wind & nuclear as it would not be possible to make either wind in an economy without cheap fossil fuels (kind of ironic but true).
So, in short, in order to sate these greens a sceptic knows we have to end modern society. But they are so clueless that they think a few fossil-fuel plant build bird-mincers sitting on the hills is a “solution”.
They think killing the elderly and vulnerable by putting up fuel prices so that they can no longer afford to live will cut down fossil fuel use from those who can still afford to heat our homes. They think taking from the poor and handing their money to the extremely rich people to destroy the countryside and kill birds and bats will do “something”, when all it is really doing is to appease the crocodile shedding tears of the rich greens who had got very rich consuming vast amounts of fossil fuel in public-sector jobs paid for by the fossil fuel economy.
And now politicians have discovered that ordinary people do not like paying out hundreds of pounds a year for these follies on the hills and so they turn up year after year after year to fob the green crocodiles off yet another “Historic” agreement to meet again next year.
And these greens are so gullible they think anyone is going to do anything?

If there were a serious problem, the last thing we should do is put these green idiots anywhere near it

What I find so amazing is that these greens have proven themselves to be clueless about the climate about industry and now about politics. They really are green in the sense of naive. And if there were a serious problem, first they would be clueless about the real science, second they would be clueless about how to tackle it, and third they have shown that the politicians just dance rings around these morons and they cannot get anykind of action beyond token wind follies.
We can only be thankful the world is full of sceptics. Because I’ve no doubt should the need arise we are the people who would actually ensure something is done DESPITE THE STUPIDITY OF GREENS.


And to the sceptics reading this and thinking: “why would you make greens aware they are just being taken for a ride”, I say this. I was in the green party, I know how these people think. They simply do not have the intellectual capacity to understand that energy cannot be made out of thin air or that buying a few “green” soaps to use in their fossil-fuel heated showers won’t magically end the need for fossil fuels.
They are not scientifically minded. For them perpetual motion is a reality and if I or anyone else were to explain that their green perpetual motion economy is a scientific impossibility then we become the devil incarnate who they will not listen to.

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