Due to pressure of work, I am not able to blog.

Unfortunately (for very good reasons) I’m having problems at the moment finding time to put anything together for the blog and this seems likely to continue into the foreseeable future.
So, I would just like to say, thank you for everyone that has contributed. The most enjoyable part of the blog was reading the comments!
Whilst everyone really deserves equal thanks, I have to particular thank Scottish Renewables. I know your views are genuine and so more credit to you for coming “into the lions den” to make them. Your contributions were thought provoking and did at times challenge preconceived notions.
But the real thanks have to go to those who did not (to my knowledge) contribute: my wife and children who put up with a dad/husband like me.

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2 Responses to Due to pressure of work, I am not able to blog.

  1. Jazzermonty says:

    Why not ask for guest contributions?

  2. Thanks for having me . . . I have to say that the debate has been largely civilised here and I will miss my occasional forays into this chamber. Hope to see you back blogging when you have time.

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