From the climate depot we get this “snippet” of news. I’m unable to trace the source, nor to be frank do I share the site’s politics which is ardently republican and therefore anti Obama (who has done more than any other president to care for the sick of the US) so I fully expect it to be a bit “over the top” on the facts … but here it is:-
Gore declares Obama failed to fight for global warming cause: ‘No real change from the Bush era’ — George W. Obama? Visit Site
Gore: ‘Obama has not defended the science against the ongoing withering and dishonest attacks. Nor has he provided a presidential venue for the scientific community … to bring the reality of the science before the public’
Red … because this is a red day (not communist Mr Morano … just good!). Because usually when a group are beginning to loose, when they finally realise that their hopes of progress are vane hopes, they start to turn on each other. Assuming the above is true, the accusation is that the president has failed to offer the kudos of his office to support the alarmist cause.
… well all I wonder, is why it has taken them so long to notice? I noticed that Obama was hardly impressed by the alarmists the day he walked off the post-climategate jokenhagen plane and walked literally into a snowstorm. He acted for all the world like someone who couldn’t prove the life-insurance salesman was trying to didle him out of all his savings, but he sure wasn’t ever going to sign on that dotted line, and he certainly didn’t ever want to do business with those charlatans again, even if he didn’t have enough proof to put them in court and stop them doing the same thing to others.
Here is one link, but the story is to be published Friday in Rolling Stone magazine.