After all the gloom and doom predicted by every “expert” pre-brexit, and the failure of another group of “experts” to predict the outcome of brexit (which was very certain all the way and only became less certain after the tragic and hard to explain murder of Jo Cox) it was not at all surprising to those of us who are not termed “experts” that the markets would take a short nose dive (into the trough seems at apt thing to add jokingly).
The big losers appear to be house builders and banks. House builders are really annoyed that if we have controlled immigration then there will be less demand to carpet our green belt with houses. And it was obvious that house builders were actively encouraging governments to promote immigration in a short-termist sale of greenbelt for their profits.
And as demand slackens, the other great nose in the trough industry of the bank lender also takes a nose dive, because as house prices will also become more affordable – and if houses are more affordable, our children need lower mortgages and so unlike our generation, they will not spend half their working lives paying for fat bankers to get fatter through massive mortgages.
I haven’t checked, but no doubt the otherĀ big fall is in BIG GREEN – the companies promoting the further destruction of our country by wind, and all the parasitic “green” (as in sickening) industry.
The gainers
The big gainers from Brexit will be small/industrial companies. For obvious reasons those with their snouts in the trough in the “city” have least understanding or knowledge of how these people will benefit from brexit and even less clue how the flourishing small and industrial sector will feed through – ironically to bigger profits in the city.
So, expect a slow but steady increase in stock market prices and the pound as bit by bit the markets learn of an apparently unconnected series (to them) of improved performances over the next few years from those companies big enough to be listed and on the city radar – who deal with the small guy or are part of the remaining UK industrial base.