The dawn of freedom for the whole of Britain

I have just heard that it is now impossible for leave to lose the EU referendum.
indexThis is a landmark for Great Britain and marks the beginning of a new era in our history as a United Britain – echoing the first “brexit speech” some 2000 years ago by a Caledonian leader Calgacus:CalgacusOf course, in Scotland, our PM spent much of the campaign threatening that if the UK voted to leave the EU that she would quickly launch a second referendum for Scotland to leave Britain.
I knew that was a  bluff. We recently voted against that in Scotland, and with a large drop in the oil price (which was the foundation of the SNP economic case) there is no way there will be more support now.
It was a bluff – and now the SNP bluff has been called, and almost immediately we are hearing SNP politicians rapidly back peddling on the “commitment”.
So, there is no question of an imminent breakup of the UK. Indeed, what is far more like is firstly the resignation of Cameron – and secondly a period of intense infighting within the SNP as they discover they were lied to by their leadership.

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2 Responses to The dawn of freedom for the whole of Britain

  1. TinyCO2 says:

    It must be my Scottish ancestry but a little voice keeps shouting ‘freedom’ somewhere in my head. My hopes for you that the small Scottish One won’t get her way for a second vote.

  2. Mark Hodgson says:

    I too have Scottish ancestry, and I hope that Scotland won’t use UK Independence Day as an excuse to break up the UK. I can never quite get my head round why some Scots wish to leave the democratic UK that has functioned to our mutual benefit for 300+ years (give or take the Jacobite period), only to rush into the arms of a dysfunctional and undemocratic EU, that is heading down the pan. Strange, very strange.

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